c. Tax refunds totaling $1,319,755.63, Tax Assessor/Collector.
d. Agreement(s):
1. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Plano for the design and construction of Windhaven Parkway from the western city limits to Spring Creek Parkway (Bond Project No. 03-065). County participation NTE $1,100,000, Engineering.
2. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Plano for the design and construction of intersection improvements for Ohio Drive at McDermott Road, Alma Drive at 15th Street and Plano Parkway East of K Avenue (Bond Project No. 03-120) and budget amendment in the amount of $686,536 for same. County participation NTE $686,536, Engineering.
3. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Plano for the design and construction of intersection improvements for Plano Parkway at Los Rios Boulevard, Plano Parkway at Shiloh Road, 14th Street at Los Rios Boulevard and Hedgcoxe Road at Coit Road (Bond Project No. 07-058) and budget amendment in the amount of $400,000 for same. County participation NTE $1,400,000, Engineering.
4. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Plano for the design and construction of intersection improvements for Coit Road at 15th Street and Custer Road at Plano Parkway (Bond Project No. 07-058) and budget amendment in the amount of $700,000 for same. County participation NTE $700,000, Engineering.
5. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Plano for the design and construction of Parker Road corridor improvements to include Parker Road at Coit Road and Parker Road at Alma (Bond Project No. 07-058). County participation NTE $1,150,200, Engineering.
e. Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):
1. $21,217,264 to move un-allocated bond funds into contingency projects to be allocated to new projects, correct fund balances and close out the remaining funds from completed Open Space and Road Projects, Budget.
a. SB 292 Creation of a grant program to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness.
11. Possible future agenda items by Commissioners Court without discussion.
Executive Session, in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Government Code.
Any action resulting from the executive session.
The court reserves the right to convene into executive session throughout this meeting.
___________________________ Keith Self COUNTY JUDGE COLLIN COUNTY, T E X A S
I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was filed and posted to this office located in the City of McKinney, Texas, on this the _______ day of _______________, 2017 at _______ o'clock _____.M.
___________________________ Stacey Kemp, County Clerk Collin County, T E X A S
___________________________ Deputy
NOTE: The Collin County Commissioners Court complies with A.D.A. requirements. If you have an impairment and wish to appear at a meeting, please call (972) 548-4631 to make arrangements.
1. Personnel Changes, Human Resources.
1. Outstanding Agenda Items, Commissioners Court.
2. Budget amendment in the amount of $18,000 to establish the budget for the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) grant funds, Auditor.