a. Disbursements for the period ending July 9, 2019, Auditor.
b. Indigent Defense Disbursements, Auditor.
c. Tax refunds totaling $1,122,246.69, Tax Assessor-Collector.
d. Agreement(s):
1. Interlocal Agreement with North Central Texas Emergency Communications District for local addressing and GIS services, Administrative Services.
e. Amendment(s):
1. No. 1 to Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Little Elm (Contract No. 2019-063) for Teen Court Services, to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2020 and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Administrative Services.
f. Change Order(s):
1. No. 1 to Construction, Myers Park Roof Replacements (IFB No. 2019-015) with Globus Management Group, LLC for owner requested add for replacement of rotted wood on the Myers Park Office roof and budget adjustment in the amount of $2,826 for same, Construction Projects.
g. Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):
1. $73,965,496.08 for encumbrance rollover from FY2018 to FY2019, Auditor.
2. $156,455,000 to record proceeds of the 2019 bond funds for road and open space bond projects, Auditor.
h. Receive and File, Auditor:
1. Monthly Financial Reports for April 2019.
2. Monthly Financial Reports for May 2019.
i. Miscellaneous
1. Acceptance of the 2019-2020 Veterans Treatment Court Grant through the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance in the amount of $400,000, 296th District Court.
3. Sale of surplus property adjacent to State Highway 78 to the Wylie EDC, Engineering.
4. Notice of Intent and Storm Water Management Plan application to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit No. TXR040000, Engineering.
5. Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
6. Personnel Changes, Human Resources.
Presentation, discussion and any action regarding:
___________________________ Chris Hill COUNTY JUDGE COLLIN COUNTY, T E X A S
I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was filed and posted to this office located in the City of McKinney, Texas, on this the _______ day of _______________, 2019 at _______ o'clock _____.M.
___________________________ Stacey Kemp, County Clerk Collin County, T E X A S
___________________________ Deputy
NOTE: The Collin County Commissioners Court complies with A.D.A. requirements. If you have an impairment and wish to appear at a meeting, please call (972) 548-4631 to make arrangements.
1. Texas Education Agency FY2019 grant award in the amount of $15,510, Juvenile Probation.
2. Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
1. Addendum No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 to Construction, Collin County Elections RTU Additions (IFB No. 2019-162), Purchasing.
2. Outstanding Agenda Items, Commissioners Court.
3. County overtime for the pay period ended June 30, 2019, Human Resources
4. Texas Indigent Defense Commission - Notification of Upcoming Monitoring Review, County Judge.