Notice is hereby given that the Collin County Commissioners Court
Invocation â€" Judge Self
Pledge of Allegiance â€" Commissioner Shaheen
Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag â€" Commissioner Williams
1.AI-33678 Utilization of the Cooperative DIR IT Staff Augmentation Contract (No. DIR-SDD-1106) to acquire a Database
Administrator 1 professional, Information Technology.
2.AI-33632 Budget amendment in the amount o $34,673 to establish the project code budgets for the FY2011 LEOSE (Law Enforcement
Officer Standards and Education) funds, Auditor.
1. Call to order. The court will convene in open session for consideration of the following business matters:
2. Public Comments.
3. Presentation/Recognition.
4. Consent agenda to approve:
a.AI-33677 Disbursements for the period ending May 31, 2011, Auditor.
1.AI-33655 Amended and Restated Tax Abatement Agreement/Reinvestment Zone No. 111 with the City of Plano, Capital
One, National Association and Capital One Auto Finance, Inc.,
2.AI-33621 Enterprise Technology pilot program for facial recognition used for threat identification and dissemination purposes offered by YHD SoftWare Designs for six (6) months with no cost associated to the County and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Homeland Security.
d. Amendment(s):
1.AI-33641 No. 1 to Weather Alert Service (AGR No. 03137-11) with WeatherData Services, Inc. to make various changes to the contract
and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute
same, Homeland Security.
e. Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):
1.AI-33481 $2,768 to purchase four (4) Network printers, Lexmark C734DN color laser printers, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4.
2.AI-33585 $135,121 to purchase equipment and software for consolidation of the SQL Database Environment, Information Technology.
f. Receive and File, Auditor:
1. Final Audit Result(s):
a.AI-33560 Medical Examiner (3rd & 4th Quarter FY2010).
b.AI-33561 District Clerk (4th Quarter FY2010) and change of office.
g. Filing of the Minute(s), County Clerk:
1.AI-33649 May 9, 2011.
2.AI-33668 May 16, 2011.
h. Miscellaneous
1.AI-33624 Purchase an HP 22" LCD System for the 296th District Court to replace the test unit that was a loaner from Tyler Technologies to electronically process court cases on the docket and budget amendment in the amount of $2,500 for same, Information Technology.
2.AI-33661 Grant application for the "Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws" (EUDL) Block Grant Program with the Texas Alcoholic
Beverage Commission for funding in the amount of $10,000 to cover
deputy overtime and equipment and further authorize the County
Sheriff to finalize and execute same, Sheriff.
3.AI-33711 Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.