Notice is hereby given that the Collin County Commissioners Court will meet in REGULAR SESSION. Following is the agenda for said meeting:
1. Al-40553 Agreement with the Rockwall County Juvenile Board for Residential Sex Offender Treatment Services at the John R Roach Juvenile Detention Facility, Juvenile Probation.
2. Notification of budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s): a.AI-40554 $4,816 from the DA State Forfeiture Fund to cover the cost for 23 investigator cell phone supplements, District Attorney.
b.AI-40556 $85,391 from the DA Pretrial Intervention Program Fund and the DA Apportionment Fund for supplemental salaries, District Attorney. Call to order. The court will convene in open session for consideration of the
1. following business matters:
Invocation -Commissioner Fletcher Pledge of Allegiance -Commissioner Williams Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag-Commissioner Hill
Public Comments.
3. Presentation/Recognition:
a. Al-40374 Check presentation in the amount of $65,000 to the Collin County Children's Advocacy Center, Budget.
b. Service Pins, Human Resources.
Consent agenda to approve:
a. Al-40517 Disbursements for the period ending September 22, 2015, Auditor.
b. Al-40523 Tax refunds totaling $16,515.46, Tax Assessor Collector.
c. Advertisement(s):
1. Al-40464 Insurance, Pharmacy Benefits (RFP No. 2015-319), Human Resources.
2. Al-40521 Insurance, Stop Loss (Medical and Pharmacy) (RFP No. 2015-316), Human Resources.
d. Award(s):
1. Al-40389 Supplies, Janitorial (IFB No. 2015-148) to various vendors, Facilities.
e. Agreement(s):
1. Al-40470 Statewide Automated Victim Notification Services (SAVNS) Maintenance Grant Contract with the Office of the Attorney General for the period beginning September 1, 2015 through and including August 31, 2016 with a maximum liability of the Office of the Attorney General NTE $27,715.32, Auditor.
2. Al-40474 Software Maintenance & Update Agreement with Granicus, Inc. for the County Clerk's AiLIS (Automated integrated Land Information System), grant exemption from the competitive bidding process and designate Granicus, Inc. as the sole source provider for software maintenance support and future configuration changes for AiLIS software per Local Government Code 262.024(a)(7)(A) and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, County Clerk.
3. Al-40478 Software Maintenance & Update Agreement with Granicus, Inc. for AmRedact, grant exemption from the competitive bidding process and designate Granicus, Inc. as the sole source provider for software maintenance support and future configuration changes for redaction services per Local Government Code 262.024(a)(7)(A) and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, County Clerk.
4. Al-40524 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Frisco for the construction of Gaylord Parkway/John Hickman Parkway/Lebanon Connector (Bond Project No. 07-00-32) and budget amendment in the amount of $4,050,000 (County's participation NTE $4,050,000}, Engineering.
5. Al-40525 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Frisco for the construction of Stonebrook Parkway from Dallas Parkway to Preston Road (Bond Project No. 07 -00-38) and budget amendment in the amount of $2,000,000 for same (County's participation NTE $2,000,000), Engineering.
6. Al-40548 Funding Agreement with the Collin McKinney Historical Alliance for funding through the FY2015 Historical Commission Grant Program in the amount of $1,500 to host the Sestercentennial event in April 2016, Historical Commission.
7. Al-40488 Assignment and Assumption for Software Maintenance, AMCAD AlLIS (Agreement No. 10007-11), AMCAD Premium Service Offering (ROAM) and Software License Agreement (Agreement No. 12105-12) and Maintenance: Redaction Services for County Clerk (Agreement No. 10057-1 0) to change the name from American Cadastre LLC. (AMCAD) to Granicus, Inc. and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Purchasing.
a.AI-40536 b.AI-40538 c.AI-40535
f. Al-40540 g.AI-40541
i. Al-40537
1. Al-40509
2. Al-40557
3. Al-40407
4. Al-40447
5. Al-40468
6. Al-40551
g. Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):
1. Al-40555 $30,553,093 for FY2015 Bond Issues, Auditor.
2. Al-40512 $70,000 to cover the additional cost to complete the Commissioners Court Camera Replacement project, Information Technology.
h. Filing of the Minute(s), County Clerk:
1. Al-40546 September 8, 2015.
i. Miscellaneous
1. Al-40495 Acceptance of the FY2016 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Grant for Teen Court -Substance Abuse and Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment through the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division in the amount of $22,900 for grant period beginning September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016, Administrative Services.
2. Al-40409 Designation of the FY2016 Commissioners Court regular term meeting dates and time, Commissioners Court.
3. Al-40528 Resolution Supporting the Texas Department of Agriculture Home-Delivered Meal Grant Program, Budget.
4. Al-40519 Rescind Court Order No. 2015-379-06-22 to authorize a change of contract for the Tyler Odyssey Criminal Justice Information System; approve an Amendment to the Maintenance and Support Services Agreement (change the invoicing for maintenance from the CUC to Tyler), approve Tyler Technologies, Inc. as the sole source provider for Odyssey software licensing, maintenance and support in accordance with Local Government Code 262.024(7)(A) and approval to enter into the Continuous Improvement Program Agreement for FY 2016 for option 3, Purchasing.
5. Al-40533 Exchange fleet vehicle (Unit No. 48044, 2007 Ford F-150) with fleet vehicle (Unit No. 55144, 2013 Ford Explorer), Sheriff.
6. Al-4057 4 Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
7. Al-40575 Personnel Changes, Human Resources
5. Al-40403 Public Hearing -FY 2016 Preservation, Restoration and Records Archive Plan, District Clerk.
6. Al-40484 Adoption of the Mental Health Plan, Administrative Services.
7. Al-40505 Adoption of the revised Collin County Travel Policy, Auditor.