2. Al-40274 Addendum No. 2 to Software and Implementation Services for an ERP Financial System (RFP No. 2015-192) to make various changes to the Request for Proposals, Purchasing.
Call to order. The court will convene in open session for consideration of the
1. following business matters:
Public Comments.
3. Presentation/Recognition:
a. Al-40242 MCCI will present Collin County with an award for "Experiencing Excellence with Laserfiche as an Enterprise Solution".
b. Service Pins, Human Resources.
Consent agenda to approve:
a. Al-40268 Disbursements for the period ending August 11, 2015, Auditor.
b. Al-40280 Tax refunds totaling $1 ,083,905.30, Tax Assessor Collector.
c. Advertisement(s ):
1. Al-40257 Supplies: Culverts, Bands, Steel and Drop Structures (IFB No. 2015-228), Public Works. Page 2 of 3
d. Award(s):
1. Al-40286 Services, Inmate Health Care (RFP No. 2015-122), Sheriff.
2. Al-40249 Vehicle Lease/Rental for Various Collin County Departments (IFB No. 2015-157) to Enterprise Holdings, Sheriff.
e. Amendment(s):
1. Al-40287 No. 1 to Collection of Delinquent Fines for JP3-1 with Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott LLP (RFP No. 2014-248) to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2016 and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3-1.
2. Al-40275 No. 2 to Inter-Governmental Cooperative Reimbursement Agreement for the Low Income Vehicle Repair Assistance, Retrofit and Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program (LIRAP) (Contract No. 582-12-20275) with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to extend the expiration date to August 31, 2017 and add additional funding for FY2016 and FY2017, Special Projects.
f. Ratification of the County Judge's prior approval:
1. Al-40335 Outdoor Burn Ban in the unincorporated areas of Collin County, Fire Marshal.
g. Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):
1. Al-40288 $1,100 to reallocate funds from Office Supplies to Education and Conference, Justice of the Peace to cover the cost of attending school, Precinct 1.
2. Al-40294 $41,000 to utilize the CJIS fund (Project 03JUS) to cover the cost of the new credit card machines for Odyssey departments, Information Technology.
h. Filing of the Minute(s), County Clerk:
1. Al-40283 July 27,2015.
i. Miscellaneous
1. Al-40330 Purchase of the John Wesley Building in Frisco, Texas, Administrative Services.
2. Al-40266 Amend the FY2015 Fee Schedule to update fees collected by the County Clerk's Office effective September 1, 2015, County Clerk.
3. Sale of property, County Judge: a.AI-40291 110 E Bailey Street, Anna, Texas to Mitzi Stephens upon the payment of $2,000.
b.AI-40295 208 Georgia Avenue, Anna, Texas to Mitzi Stephens upon the payment of $3,300.
c.AI-40292 Lot 108 in Holiday Acres, Princeton, Texas to Chuck Hutcheson upon the payment of $8,106.
d.AI-40293 216 N 5th Street, Princeton, Texas to Chuck Hutcheson upon the payment of $12,601.
4. Al-40284 Re-plat of Waterstone Estates (Phase II, Block K), Lots 5 and 6, Engineering.
5. Al-40302 Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
6. Al-40303 Personnel Changes, Human Resources.
5. Al-40289 Ratification of the County Judge's prior approval to apply for Emergency Federal Funding Assistance to restore damages to Floodwater Retention Structure, Site 19, Little Elm watershed, Homeland Security.
Possible future agenda items by Commissioners Court without discussion.
Executive Session, in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Government Code.
Any action resulting from the executive session.
The court reserves the right to convene into executive session throughout this