2. Al-40866 Change Order No. 1 to Juvenile Detention Door Repairs (IFB No. 2015-234) with Argyle Security to provide labor and material to repair frame on Juvenile Detention Door CL3-84, Construction & Projects.
3. Al-40827 P-Card Disbursements, Auditor.
4. Al-40872 Voluntary Terminations, Human Resources.
5. Notification of budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s), Auditor: a.AI-40813 $18,500 to establish the budget for the 2016 IRS Task Force Grant. b.AI-40865 $50,000 to establish the budget for the FY2016 Juvenile Drug Court-SOAR
f. Al-40788 $586,531 for the SCAAP Grant fund to cover overtime expenditures for FY2015. Call to order. The court will convene in open session for consideration of the
Public Comments.
3. Presentation/Recognition.
Consent agenda to approve:
a. Al.,40834 Disbursements for the period ending December 1, 2015, Auditor.
b. Al-40884 Tax refunds totaling $1, 162,367.16, Tax Assessor Collector.
c. Award(s):
1. Al-40840 Construction, Restoration of Remediation Areas, 900 E. Park (IFB No. 2015349) to include Base Bid and Alternates one (1) through five (5) to SOB Contracting Services, Inc. and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute the Construction Agreement, Construction & Projects.
2. Al-40818 Insurance, Pharmacy Benefits (RFP No. 2015-319), Human Resources.
3. Al-40853 Insurance, Stop Loss (Medical & Pharmacy) (RFP No. 2015-316), Human Resources.
4. Al-40723 Testing: Postmortem Toxicology (IFB No. 2015-286) to National Medical Services, Inc. (NMS Labs), Medical Examiner.
d. Agreement(s):
1. Al-40829 Construction Agreement with Massana Construction for erosion repair under the bridge on County Road 419 at Brinlee Creek (Bond Project No. 07-00-14), budget amendment in the amount of $49,738 for same and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute the agreement, Engineering.
2. Al-40796 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Frisco for the construction of Coit Road (from Panther Creek Pkwy to US 380) (Bond Project No. 07026) and budget adjustment in the amount of $333,563 (County's Participation NTE $1 ,453,563), Engineering.
3. Al-40821 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Frisco for the construction of Stonebrook Parkway (from Longhorn Trail to Dallas Pkwy) (Bond Project No. 07 -00-39) and budget adjustment in the amount of $573,459 (County's Participation NTE $650,000) for same, Engineering.
4. Al-40823 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Frisco for the construction of Warren Parkway from Internet Boulevard to Dallas Parkway (Bond Project No. 07-00-40) and budget amendment in the amount of $550,000 (County's participation NTE $550,000), Engineering.
5. Al-40860 lnterlocal Agreement for the City of McKinney for funding through the 6th Series2007 Parks/Open Space Project Funding Assistance Program (Bond Project No. 07PG76) for improvements to Wilson Creek Hike and Bike Trail, Special Projects.
6. Al-40862 lnterlocal Agreement for the City of McKinney for funding through the 6th Series2007 Parks/Open Space Project Funding Assistance Program (Bond Project No. 07PG77) for improvements to Rowlett Creek at State Highway 121 Hike and Bike Trail, Special Projects.
7. Al-40863 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of McKinney for funding through the 6th Series-2007 Parks/Open Space Project Funding Assistance Program (Bond Project No. 07PG78) for improvements to Comegy's Creek Hike and Bike Trail, Special Projects.
8. Al-40864 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of McKinney for funding through the 6th Series-2007 Parks/Open Space Project Funding Assistance Program (Bond Project No. 07PG79) for improvements to Rowlett Creek at Stacy Road Hike and Bike Trail, Special Projects.
9. Al-40851 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Wylie for funding through the 6th Series2007 Parks/Open Space Project Funding Assistance Program (Bond Project No. 07PG83) for improvements to the Wylie Municipal Complex East Meadow Trail, Special Projects.
10. installments, Budget: a.AI-40881 Allen Public Library for an annual amount of $47,282.50. b.AI-40882 Celina Public Library for an annual amount of $17,387.96. c.AI-40879 City of Farmersville for the Charles J. Rike Memorial Library for an annual
amount of $15,962.04. d.AI-40880 City of McKinney for the McKinney Public Library System for an annual amount of $69,844.75. e.AI-40877 Melissa Public Library for an annual amount of $17,235.05.
f. Al-40878 Princeton Community Library for an annual amount of $17,597.76. g.AI-40883 Prosper Community Library for an annual amount of $20,463.82. h.AI-40876 Rita & Truett Smith Public Library for an annual amount of $30,786.63.
e. Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):
1. Al-40815 $1,400,000 establish a budget for the 03FIN (ERP Project), Budget.
2. Al-40828 $11,086.62 to reallocate funds for the Spay/Neuter Program, Development
3. Al-40869 $16,340.18 to reallocate funds for the Spay/Neuter program, Development
4. Al-40747 $17,063 to establish the cash match budget for the FY2016 CJD Crime Victim Advocacy Program Grant, Auditor.
5. Al-40749 $17,496 to establish the cash match budget for the FY2016 CJD Crime Victim Assistance Grant, Auditor.
6. Al-40870 $50,605 to establish the budget for the maintenance/operations of the newly acquired John Wesley building in Frisco, Budget.
7. Al-40814 $119,052 to move the Training/Compliance Captain's position from the Jail Ops budget to the SO Admin budget, Sheriff.
8. Al-40871 $125,000 for temporary staffing of the County Court at Law No.7, Budget.
f. Receive and File, Auditor:
1. Al-40849 FY2014 Annual Inventory Audit for Central Plant & janitorial Supplies.
2. Al-40854 FY2014 Annual Inventory Audit for Central Supply and Concession Supplies.
3. Al-40850 FY2014 Annual Inventory Audit for Computer Store Room.
4. Al-40856 FY2014 Annual Inventory Audit for Fuel.
5. Al-40855 FY2014 Annual Inventory Audit for IT Handheld Items.
6. Al-40852 FY2014 Annual Inventory Audit for Jail and Minimum Security Kitchen.
7. Al-40857 FY2014 Annual Inventory Audit for Quarter Master.
8. Al-40789 Monthly Financial Report for September 2015.
9. Al-40858 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 (3rd Quarter FY2014).
10. Al-40859 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 (4th Quarter FY2014).
g. Filing of the Minute(s), County Clerk:
1. Al-40825 November 9, 2015 Special Session.
2. Al-40824 November 9, 2015.
3. Al-40822 November 11, 2015 Canvass Election Special Session.
h. Miscellaneous
1. Al-40839 Re-designation of Private Road 5623 to Lafons Farm Road (with associated address updates), GIS/Rural Addressing.
2. Al-40899 Personnel Appointments, Human Resources