Notice is hereby given that the Collin County Commissioners Court will meet in REGULAR SESSION. Following is the agenda for said meeting:
Invocation -Commissioner Hill Pledge of Allegiance -Commissioner Webb Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag -Judge Self
1. Al-39392 Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
2. Al-39393 Personnel Changes, Human Resources.
3. Al-39394 Elected Official Appointment(s), Human Resources.
Public Comments.
3. Presentation/Recognition:
a. Al-39350 Acceptance of a check from CoServ Charitable Foundation in the amount of $12,179 for the purchase of bulletproof vests, Auditor.
Consent agenda to approve:
a. Al-39397 Disbursements for the period ending December 30, 2014, Auditor.
b. Al-39363 Tax refunds totaling $322,278.20, Tax Assessor Collector.
c. Advertisement(s):
1. Al-39386 Professional Services, Appraisal Services (RFP No. 2015-032), Special Projects.
2. Al-39389 Professional Services, Engineering, Various Drainage Projects (RFQ No. 2015088), Special Projects.
d. Agreement(s):
1. Al-39349 Texas Conference and Urban Counties TechShare Program TechShare Common Integrated Justice System FY2015 Resource Sharing Addendum and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Information Technology.
2. Al-39381 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Celina for Child Abuse, Investigation Services and Law Enforcement Services for an annual amount of $6,000 and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Sheriff.
3. Al-39338 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Anna for the improvements of Ferguson Parkway from FM455 to Lakeview Estates (Bond Project No. 07-012), budget amendment in the amount of $519,875 (County's participation NTE $816,875) and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Engineering.
e. Amendment(s):
1. Al-39371 No. 3 to the Lease Agreement with Paella industrial Partners, LP for Elections Office and Warehouse space to provide various changes to the agreeement and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Construction & Projects.
2. Al-39369 No. 5 to Juvenile Detention Center "CRC" Technology (Contract No. 02375-09) with the McKinney Independent School District to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including June 7, 2015 and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Information Technology.
f. Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):
1. Al-39372 $13,409 to reallocate funds for the Spay/Neuter Program, Development Services.
g. Receive and File, Auditor:
1. Al-39382 Monthly Financial Report for October 2014.
h. Filing of the Minute(s), County Clerk:
1. Al-39387 December 8, 2014. Page 3 of 4
i. Miscellaneous
1. Al-39401 Grant application for the OWl No-Refusal Mandatory Blood Draw Program grant with the Texas Department of Transportation, District Attorney.
2. Al-39374 Re-plat of Waterstone Estates (Phase 1, Block B), Lots 80R-1 and 81 R-1, Engineering.
3. Al-39341 Adoption of the updated Computer and Internet Use Policy, Information Technology.
4. Al-39395 Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
6. Notification of budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s), Auditor:
a.AI-39370 $34,320 to establish the budget for the FY2015 Preparedness and Prevention Community Preparedness Section (PPCPS) I Bioterrorism Discretionary Grant.
b.AI-39368 $46,241 to establish the budget for the 2014 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG).
c.AI-39332 $286,451 for SCAAP funds to cover the cost of FY 2014 overtime, training and travel.
7. Al-39400 Voluntary Terminations, Human Resources. Page 2 of 4
Call to order. The court will convene in open session for consideration of the
1. following business matters:
5. Al-39301 Presentation of Sheriffs Office-Inmate monthly/quarterly statistics, Budget.