Notice is hereby given that the Collin County Commissioners Court will meet in REGULAR SESSION. Following is the agenda for said meeting:
Invocation -Judge Self Pledge of Allegiance -Susan Fletcher Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag-Commissioner Williams
1. Al-39116 Award Services, CSCD, Evaluations and Counseling for Drug Offenders (SCORE) (RFP No. 2014-282) to Addiction Treatment Resources, Adult Probation.
2. Al-39120 Engagement Letter with Pattillo, Brown & Hill, LLP for the Juvenile Probation Fiscal Year 2014 Audit, Auditor.
3. Al-39166 Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
4. Al-39176 Personnel Changes, Human Resources.
Consent agenda to approve:
a. Al-39150 Disbursements for the period ending November 11, 2014, Auditor.
b. Al-39130 Tax refunds totaling $1,01 0,683.42, Tax Assessor Collector.
c. Advertisement(s):
1. Al-39147 Construction, Canopy at Juvenile Detention Center (IFB No. 2015-042), Construction & Projects.
d. Award(s):
1. Al-39163 Detention Center Repairs and Renovations (IFB No. 2014-392) to Gomez Floor Covering, Construction & Projects.
1. Al-38971 Statement of Agreement with Minuteman Disaster Response Foundation to provide emergency assistance to people affected by, and emergency workers involved in, all-hazards emergencies/disaster or the threat of disaster, and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Homeland Security.
2. Al-39134 Juvenile Case Management System (JCMS) Project with the Texas Conference of Urban Counties (CUC) TechShare Program and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute the following documents: TechShare.Juvenile and Juvenile Case Management System -Basic 2013 Resource Sharing Addendum, Amendment No. 2 and the Texas Conference of Urban Counties, TechShare.Juvenile Implementation Agreement and further approve a budget amendment in the amount of $1,005,001 for same, Information Technology.
3. authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Public Works.
a.AI-39161 City of Anna (Agreement No. 2014-262)
b.AI-39162 City of Lavon (Agreement No. 2014-290).
c.AI-39158 City of Princeton (Agreement No. 2014-297).
d.AI-39159 City of Weston (Agreement No. 2014-305).
f. Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):
1. Al-39128 $12,216 to reallocate funds for the Spay/Neuter Program, Development Services.
g. Receive and File, Auditor:
1. Al-39144 Monthly Financial Report for September 2014.
h. Filing of the Minute(s), County Clerk:
1. Al-39132 October 27, 2014.
2. Al-39169 November 3, 2014.
i. Miscellaneous
1. Al-39138 Acceptance of the FY2015 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Program (JJDP) Grant for Teen Court-Substance Abuse and Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment through the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division in the amount of $38,800 for grant period beginning September 1, 2014 through and including August 31, 2015, Administrative Services.
2. Al-39146 Reject the bid received for Construction, Canopy at Juvenile Detention Center (IFB No. 2014-335), Construction & Projects.
3. Al-39154 Reclassification of a Criminal Investigator position (Grade 557) to a Deputy Sheriff position (Grade 556) and an Investigator position (Grade 556) to a Deputy Sheriff position (Grade 556, Retitle only), Human Resources.
4. Al-39167 Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.