Notice is hereby given that the Collin County Commissioners Court will meet in REGULAR SESSION. Following is the agenda for said meeting:
Invocation -Commissioner Hill Pledge of Allegiance-Commissioner Webb Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag-Judge Self
1. Al-39061 Grant award for the FY2015 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant in the amount of $14,729 through the Governor's Criminal Justice Division to assist in the operation of the Juvenile Drug Court SOAR Program, Juvenile Probation.
2. Al-39103 Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
2. Al-39059 Budget amendment in the amount of $16,102 to establish the budget for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) fund, Auditor.
3. Al-39016 P-Card Disbursements, Auditor.
4. Al-39090 Voluntary Terminations, Human Resources. Call to order. The court will convene in open session for consideration of the following
1. business matters:
2. Public Comments.
3. Presentation/Recognition:
a. Al-39070 Proclamation bringing awareness to Pancreatic Cancer, Commissioner, Precinct 1.
b. Service Pins, Human Resources.
4. Consent agenda to approve:
a. Al-39088 Disbursements for the period ending October 28, 2014, Auditor.
b. Al-39066 Tax refunds totaling $493,776.21, Tax Assessor Collector.
c. Advertisement(s):
1. Al-39080 Maintenance/Repair/Operations Parts, Supplies and Related Services (IFB No. 2015-010), Facilities.
d. Award(s):
1. Al-39067 Collection of Delinquent Fines (RFP No. 2014-248), Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3-1.
e. Agreement(s):
1. Al-39087 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Plano concerning improvements along Dallas Parkway and the Dallas North Tollway between the President George Bush Turnpike (SH 190) and Headquarters Drive (2007 Bond Project No. 07-059), budget amendment in the amount of $3,000,000 (County participation NTE $5,000,000) and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Engineering.
2. Al-39071 Host Agency Agreement with Experience Works for the purpose of a joint engagement in the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Human Resources.
3. Al-38949 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Celina (Agreement No. 2014-322) for road and bridge improvements and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Public Works.
4. Al-38921 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Lowry Crossing (Agreement No. 2014-291) for road and bridge improvements and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Public Works.
5. Al-38922 lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Royse City (Agreement No. 2014-298) for road and bridge improvements and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Public Works.
6. Al-39073 lnterlocal Agreement with the Town of Fairview for Child Abuse, Investigation Services, Law Enforcement Services for an annual amount of $6,000 and further authorize the County Judge to finalize and execute same, Sheriff.
f. Amendment(s):
1. Al-39086 No. 1 to lnterlocal Agreement for Environmental Services with the City of Anna to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2015 and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same. Payments will be made in quarterly installments for an annual amount of $8,200, Development Services.
2. Al-38964 No. 3 to Insurance, Long Term Care (Contract No. 07710-09) with Unum Life Insurance Company of America to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including December 31, 2015 and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Human Resources.
g. Filing of the Minute(s), County Clerk:
1. Al-39078 October 13, 2014. Page 3 of4
h. Miscellaneous
1. Al-39091 Acceptance of the FY2015 Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation grant in the amount of $19,984, Auditor.
2. Al-39060 Grant application for the ASPCA/Subaru Dealership Event Grants in the amount of $2,500 for a Low-Cost Vaccination/Microchip Clinic and Adoption Event, Development Services.
3. Al-39104 Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
4. Al-39105 Personnel Changes, Human Resources.
5. Al-39082 Review of quarterly reporting statistics, Medical Examiner.
6. Al-38955 City of Celina's Bond Project No. 07-014, CR 5 (Frontier Parkway) from the DNT to SH 289, Engineering.