a. Disbursements for the period ending February 9, 2021, and February 16, 2021, Auditor.
b. Indigent Defense Disbursements, Auditor.
c. Tax refunds totaling $791,412.13, Tax Assessor-Collector.
d. Award(s):
1. Professional Services, Forensic Engineering Services (RFQ No. 2021-122) and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute the Engineering Services Agreement, Construction Projects.
2. Uninterruptible Power Supply Replacements (IFB No. 2021-094) to Graybar Electric Company, Inc., and budget amendment in the amount of $29,900 for same, Facilities.
4. Proofpoint Email Archiving and Targeted Attack Protection (Coop Quote No. 2021-143) to SHI-Government Solutions, Inc. through DIR Contract No. DIR-CPO-4444, Information Technology.
5. Extractor and Scanner for Tax Office (IFB No. 2021-120) to OPEX Corporation, Tax Assessor-Collector.
e. Agreement(s):
1. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Celina for the Celina Public Library in the amount of $19,745.50 effective October 1, 2020 through and including September 30, 2021, Budget.
2. Inter-Jurisdictional Mutual Aid Agreement with University Emergency Medical Response, Fire Marshal.
3. Interlocal Dispatch Agreement (Agreement No. 2021-065) with Anna Fire Department effective October 1, 2020 through and including September 30, 2021, Sheriff.
f. Amendment(s):
1. No. 1 to Interlocal Agreement for Fire Inspection and Fire Plan Review for Commercial Buildings (Agreement No. 2018-286) with the City of Farmersville to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2021, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Fire Marshal.
2. No. 1 to Interlocal Agreement for Fire Inspection and Fire Plan Review for Commercial Buildings (Agreement No. 2019-374) with the City of Josephine to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2021, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Fire Marshal.
3. No. 1 to Interlocal Agreement for Fire Inspection and Fire Plan Review for Commercial Buildings (Agreement No. 2019-144) with the Town of St. Paul to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2021, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Fire Marshal.
4. No. 1 to Interlocal Dispatch Services Agreement (Agreement No. 2019-390) with the City of Josephine to provide various changes to the contract and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Sheriff.
5. No. 2 to Design of the Dallas North Tollway Southbound Service Road from US 380 to FM 428 (Agreement No. 2016-181) with Halff Associates, Inc., for additional funds due to an increase of time in the general oversight and project inspection, budget adjustment in the amount of $31,500, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Engineering.
6. No. 6 to Election Voting System & Services (Contract No. 2018-241) with Election Systems & Software, LLC to add various items to the contract, further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, and budget amendment in the amount of $171,000, Elections.
g. Change Order(s):
1. No. 1 to Mowing & Trimming of Soil Conservation Structures (IFB No. 2020-057) with Gant Contractors, Inc. to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including February 16, 2022, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Public Works.
2. No. 1 to Signs, Sign Materials, & Barriers (IFB No. 2018-260) with Eagle Barricade, LLC to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including March 3, 2022, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Public Works.
3. No. 1 to Signs, Sign Materials, & Barriers (IFB No. 2018-260) with Vulcan, Inc. d/b/a Vulcan Signs to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including March 3, 2022, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Public Works.
4. No. 1 to Fencing, Labor & Materials (IFB No. 2019-027) with Concord Commercial Services, Inc. to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including March 24, 2022, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Public Works.
h. Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):
1. $1,800 to purchase uniform and equipment for Court Officer, County Court at Law 4.
2. $195,000 for the replacement of the detention facilities analogue camera system, Sheriff.
i. Receive and File, Auditor:
1. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Quarters FY2018).
3. SCORE Program (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Quarters FY2018).
4. District Attorney (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Quarters FY2019).
5. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3-1 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Quarters FY2019).
6. Medical Examiner (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Quarters FY2019).
j. Filing of the Minute(s), County Clerk:
1. February 1, 2021.
2. February 5, 2021.
3. January 25, 2021.
k. Miscellaneous
1. Grant application for the FY2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant through the US Department of Homeland Security, State of Texas Division of Emergency Management, Fire Marshal.
2. Grant application for the FY2021 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program Grant through the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Grants Management System, Sheriff.
3. Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
4. Personnel Changes, Human Resources.
Presentation, discussion and any action regarding:
Executive Session, in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Government Code, to discuss the following subjects:
Real Estate (551.072)
Right of way acquisition for Park Blvd from FM 2514 to SH 78 - Parcel 44, Engineering.
Any action resulting from the executive session.
The court reserves the right to convene into executive session throughout this meeting.
___________________________ Chris Hill COUNTY JUDGE COLLIN COUNTY, T E X A S
I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was filed and posted to this office located in the City of McKinney, Texas, on this the _______ day of _______________, 2021 at _______ o'clock _____.M.
___________________________ Stacey Kemp, County Clerk Collin County, T E X A S
___________________________ Deputy
NOTE: The Collin County Commissioners Court complies with A.D.A. requirements. If you have an impairment and wish to appear at a meeting, please call (972) 548-4631 to make arrangements.
1. Personnel Changes, Human Resources.
2. Budget amendment in the amount of $500 to cover additional project costs, Juvenile Probation.
1. Intra-County account transfers transmitted on November 18, 2020, Auditor.
2. Intra-County account transfers transmitted on January 29, 2021, Auditor.
3. P-card disbursements, Auditor.
4. Addendum No. 1 to Uninterruptible Power Supply Replacement (IFB No. 2021-094) to make various changes to the Invitation for Bid, Purchasing.
5. Addendum No. 1 to Extractor and Scanner for Tax Office (IFB No. 2021-120) to change the due date on the Invitation for Bid, Purchasing.
6. Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services, Architectural, Adult Detention Center Assessment and Design Services (RFQ No. 2019-021) with Brinkley Sargent Wiginton Architects, Inc. to provide changes to the contract, Construction Projects.
7. Notification of budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s), Auditor:
a. $32,000 to establish the budget for the FY 2021 Internal Revenue Service Grant, Auditor.
b. $103,585.81 to establish the budget for the FY 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant through the Texas Division of Emergency Management, Auditor.
c. $38,399.41 to establish the budget for Chapter 19 FY2020-2022, Auditor.
d. $8,000 to establish the budget for the FY2021 US Marshals Service, Auditor.